Saturday, 1 March 2014

Goodbye Sydney

We did it! We packed our boxes, some how fitted them into the trailer, got in the Prado and were farewelled from wet Sydney just after 10 am.
It seemed to take forever getting out of the suburbs in the rain. Our first lighthouse stop was Wollongong where there where two lighthouses! We jumped out of the car during a break between showers to explore but it then bucketed again so we were back on the road.
Next lighthouse stop was Kiama and it was right at the blow hole. I don't think I'd ever been before. Unfortunately the hole wasn't blowing very hard and it kept raining so back on the road.
At the end of the day we arrived at something swamp. A rest area near Broulee. Unfortunately the council has just spent a million dollars doing it up and as a result camper trailers can't set up due to a hundred metal posts. So we're set up on the round about.
Hopefully the boys sleep tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I love the lighthouse theme. I hope the roundabout was comfy.
