In 1802-1803 Matthew Flinders, an English ships captain, was given the task to circumnavigate Australia and map it's coastline. He did this with remarkable accuracy, I've no idea how without a GPS, but somehow with trigonometry and primitive ships instruments he did. On board the Investigator they sailed in and out of bays and coves, around points, naming them as he went, usually after a member of his crew or a favourite place in Lancashire, where he grew up. It has also been said that Australia is now called that rather that Terra Autralis or Van Demons Land because of the frequency that Flinders referred to it by that name.
And so, Coffin Bay was named after Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, not to my disappointment, after a wrecked ship carrying coffins.
We were planning to spend a couple of nights in the NP at Coffin Bay as it is a very beautiful area, however, after some advice from some grey nomads in Port Augusta Maccas we camped in Lincoln NP and we were very happy with the site.
We stopped in at Coffin Bay this morning on our way up the western coast of the Eyre Peninsula. It is famous for it's oysters and some of the oyster leases can be seen as you drive in.
I would like to say that the highlight of our day were Murphy's Haystacks, granite rock formations on top if a hill (I thought they were pretty cool) however as it is now dark and there are still shrieks of laughter coming from the game of soccer outside, the highlight was meeting Peter and Tammy and their kids at the Haslam camp ground. It's been weeks since the boys have had kids to play with. The caravan parks are full of oldies and it's not school holidays. This family, from WA, is nearing the end of their 2 years around Australia. They were very friendly and welcoming and now I'm worried we won't want to leave tomorrow to begin the Nullabor.
As for the camp ground it's as basic as they come. $5 a night with an honesty box. Toilets are at the beach (byo toilet paper) a short walk from the site. There are quite a lot of people here but it's not full. No showers, I'm now 4 days and counting.