Sunday, 11 May 2014

Buley Rock Hole

We left relatively early to swim at Florence Falls this morning, hoping to beat the tourists, however it was not early enough. We enjoyed our swim and there weren't too many smokers but by the time we left there were at least 50 people there, the Saturday tour busses had arrived.
After lunch back at camp we went to see Buley Rock Hole for a swim. I wasn't sure what to expect, a hole in the rock? This is further up stream on the Florence River, above Florence Falls. The river flows down a series of deep pools, bubbling over rapids and into another pool before continuing through the monsoon forest.
The water is so clear and fresh and some of the pools are more than 4m deep. It was wonderful to swim down to the bottom, push off and glide back up to the surface. We spent a couple of hours sitting in the bubbling water, swimming in the pools, diving down and jumping off the rocks.
I didn't let the 50 tourists and drunk locals ruin it for me today. We're really not that remote here. At least there were quite a few rock holes so everyone was spread out.

Meatballs on the camp fire for dinner.

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