Sunday, 27 April 2014

On to Port Hedland and Broome

The road north of Karijini quickly turned to flat boring plains with small shrubs. The most exciting thing was the number of road trains coming out of the iron ore mines. When we stopped at the Auski roadhouse for a break a driver of one of the "Quads" (yes, that's 4 trailers!) let the boys climb up into the cab and told us about his life. They do 15 hr shifts out of Hedland to the mine 400km away, he seemed to like his work.
We were offered a space in the driveway of a family we'd met at church in Exmouth. So we pitched there for the night with Graeme and Sandy and enjoyed a lovely sunset and dinner at the yacht club. They also had some connections with the Seafarers who transport the crew off the huge bulk carrier ships into town. Evan and S got to have a ride on the launch as it picked up and dropped off people from the 12 enormous ships docked in the port.
We left the next morning for the 600km drive to Broome. It was a bit monotonous but very little traffic for end of school holidays. It's very hot and humid here. We've reached the tropical north.

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