Monday, 24 February 2014

Piers and spoil

After several days delay the piers drillers and concretors arrived on site today. And what an expensive day it's been. Excess spoil to dispose of and 35 extra metres of piering really does add up.

At least the boys have enjoyed the diggers and cement mixer. I can't get R inside.

The slab is scheduled for Monday so we'll miss seeing that.

Oh concrete man, put some clothes on.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Rhubarb bath

My lovely pink cast iron bath was cracked when it was removed from the house so I had to give up on the dream of having it re enameled. However Dad found a spot for it down the garden and has planted his rhubarb in it. Now to possum proof it.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Hello! I'm Kathy and this blog is to record our year. Knocking down our house, traveling around Australia and building the new house.
My husband Evan and I live in The Hills, north west of Sydney, with our three sons (7, 3 & 2).
We loved our little house and lived in it for 5 years. We bought it because we loved the garden. In particular the creek, which runs across the garden about 3/4 of the way down. Dad comes over many days of the week and loves the garden and the boys. We have planted beautiful tree ferns and birds nest ferns along the creek in the shade of the big trees. There are often tadpoles swimming in the pools. A little wooden plank bridge takes you over to the far side where Dad has his veggie garden. We always have some kind of fresh veggie. Usually green beans and at the moment cherry tomatoes, potatoes and beetroot.
There was no way we were moving elsewhere to a bigger house. Everything is perfect here and as for location the school, shops and church are only a short walk away.
So the big question last year was shall we renovate for when we have 3 teenage boys or knock down and rebuild?
Here we are at the start or 2014 with the dirt next door waiting for footings and the slab to be poured.
Our very generous neighbours are having us for 6 weeks and on 1st March we pack the camper trailer and Prado and head south to begin our trip around Australia.
We're all very excited!

Earth works

The machines arrived today to cut and fill and level the site. By lunch time there was a nice flat area where the living room and kitchen will be. The top half of the site is built up by about 1.5 m where the garage and Dads area will be. It's exciting to see it all laid out!